CellProfiler release steps - CellProfiler/CellProfiler GitHub Wiki

In general, tag the versions and release for (in approximately this order):

  1. Centrosome, prokaryote, python-javabridge, python-bioformats
  2. Cellprofiler-core
  3. Cellprofiler

For each, below are the release process steps:

  • Centrosome, prokaryote, python-javabridge, python-bioformats:
    • Create a new tag.
      • git tag v4.0.1
    • Manually create source and binary (wheel) distributions, i.e.
      • python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
    • Upload to pyPI (need to be added by contributors).
      • twine upload dist/
  • Cellprofiler-core
    • Create a new tag.
      • git tag v4.0.1
    • Push the tag to GitHub.
      • git push origin v4.0.1
    • On GitHub, draft and publish a new release based on the tag.
      • A GitHub action will build the source and binary distributions and upload them to PyPI.
      • [Warning] Don't save a draft, it must be directly published to trigger the uploading to PyPI.
  • Cellprofiler
    • Create a new tag.
      • git tag v4.0.1
    • Push the tag to GitHub.
      • git push origin v4.0.1
      • A GitHub action will build application packages and attach them to a draft GitHub release.
    • You’ll need to explicitly click the “Publish” button on the GitHub release to make it public.
      • You should edit the draft’s body text before publishing to include some basic patch notes. This will be shown to users in the update notification, so be brief!
    • Manually create source and binary (wheel) distributions
      • python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
    • Upload to pyPI (need to be added by contributors)
      • twine upload dist/*