Server Rules - CatsAndBoats/catseyexi GitHub Wiki

  1. Use of unauthorized 3rd party tools, such as those used to manipulate movement speed, or player position are forbidden
  2. Abuse of the Auction House bot mechanics will result in confiscation of your gil and/or correction at the discretion of GM's. (One example of such an abuse is selling items purchased from vendors/npcs to the AH)
  3. Report any misuse or abuse of the Auction House bot to GM's.
  4. Report any discrepancies on the AH that can be abused directly to a GM.
  5. Intentionally exploiting or crashing the server will result in a ban.
  6. You can have a total maximum of 2 characters, on separate accounts (1 per account). We will not be deleting characters just because of your inability to read. (If you need a special accommodation, be prepared to plead your case) If you are granted an exception YOU WILL BE CLOSELY MONITORED We do not want to see characters constantly on follow. Make sure you read This Article that covers most questions regarding character creation.
  7. Be respectful to others in the community.
  8. If you have an issue with someone, take it up with a GM
  9. Do not advertise for other servers.
  10. Any form of AFK botting or automation is strictly forbidden. If you choose to use software like cure please or repeater, do understand that we will be keeping an eye on players, and you may be tested to make sure you are really there.
  11. If you suspect someone of cheating, REPORT TO GM DIRECTLY. Do not put them on blast. All that does is create drama, and alert the accused person to GM intervention.

Rules for lotting at endgame events hosted by staff:

  1. If you have a 75 for the item your are eligible to lot on the item. (If you are a nice person you pass the Zenith Mitts to the BLM if you are the WHM.)
  2. If no one has a 75 for an item, people who plan on leveling it can lot it.
  3. Dynamis/Limbus currency are not to be lotted and let it distribute itself. (Applies to Singles and 100s)
  4. Crafting materials can be lotted by anyone.
  5. Misc items not listed are usually free lot.
  6. If you provided the pop items you can solo lot on any one item it drops. For the rest the normal rules apply.