Breaking Through | Aeonic Weaponskill Unlock - CatsAndBoats/catseyexi GitHub Wiki

NOTE: All players will have aeonic weaponskills 'visible' to them at skill level 230, but these weaponskills will not do any damage until they are unlocked.

Start NPC: Atori-Tutori

Zone: Ru'Lude Gardens (near Maat)

  • Players should be prepared to spend 300,000 conquest points, imperial standing, or allied notes to proceed.
  • After spending your points, Atori-Tutori will ask you for a trade of a specific amount of gil corresponding to the weaponskill you are unlocking (this is a very small amount).
  • With the trade complete, he will make another request for items that can be farmed in Dynamis.
  • Finally, you will need to earn 50,000 escha beads through Domain Invasion.

With your escha beads, see Nolan (Norg, I-7) and find your desired weaponskill in the menus. It will now be available for purchase.