Add text to Video in CasparCG 2.2 - CasparCG/help GitHub Wiki
To add text to video in CasparCG 2.2.
You find CasparCG 2.2 prebuilt here, Builds (under server/master)
To try this sample, you first have to place the font you want to use, for this example i have placed the Hack Font in the CasparCG fontdirectory, after that, run this command with your file.
PLAY 1-10 yourfilehere vf "drawtext=fontfile=c\\\\:/caspar/_FONT/Hack-Regular.ttf: text='pts\\:%{pts \\: hms} frame\\:%{n} type\\:%{pict_type}': x=30: y=55: fontsize=60: fontcolor=white: shadowx=2: shadowy=2: alpha=0.7"