Hosting Custom Content on GitHub - CapsAdmin/pac3 GitHub Wiki

This gude will take you through the process of using GitHub to host your custom content.

Setting up the repo

  1. Create an account if you haven't already.
  2. Create a new repository.
  3. Name it something easy like pac3-content.
  4. MAKE SURE IT IS PUBLIC, I do not know if raw links will work with private repos and also they cost money.
  5. Initiate with a readme, this is optional.

Adding files

  1. Click on upload files.
  2. Add files to the upload.
  3. Give it a title.
  4. Commit directly to master branch.

Getting URLs

  1. Go to your file
  2. Copy the URL
  3. Remove blob/
  4. Change to

Your URL should look like

  1. Put into PAC


As far as I know there are no repository size limits.

  • The maximum file size is 10GB (not really anything to worry about)
  • The maximum files per upload/commit is 100

There should also be no trafic limits but I'm sure it's like 100 requests an hour or something per file.