Hosting Custom Content on GitHub - CapsAdmin/pac3 GitHub Wiki
This gude will take you through the process of using GitHub to host your custom content.
Setting up the repo
- Create an account if you haven't already.
- Create a new repository.
- Name it something easy like pac3-content.
- MAKE SURE IT IS PUBLIC, I do not know if raw links will work with private repos and also they cost money.
- Initiate with a readme, this is optional.
Adding files
- Click on upload files.
- Add files to the upload.
- Give it a title.
- Commit directly to
Getting URLs
- Go to your file
- Copy the URL
- Remove
- Change
Your URL should look like
- Put into PAC
As far as I know there are no repository size limits.
- The maximum file size is 10GB (not really anything to worry about)
- The maximum files per upload/commit is 100
There should also be no trafic limits but I'm sure it's like 100 requests an hour or something per file.