WebSQL version of 529renew ‐ Operation - CameronD73/529renew GitHub Wiki

Database locations (Windows, default profile):

copy/paste the appropriate path into the address bar of windows file explorer

  • Chrome: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\default\databases
  • MS Edge: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\default\databases
  • Vivaldi: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Vivaldi\User Data\Default\databases
  • Opera: %APPDATA%\Opera Software\Opera Stable\databases

There should be a folder named chrome-extension_hgckkjajmcmbificinfabmaelboedjic_0 which is where the actual database is stored, with a name like "1", or "2".

If the data is attached to a different browser profile, then replace the folder "Default" with "Profile nn", except for Opera which does not seem to support multiple profiles.

Much of the remaining information (or updated versions of it) is now in the introductory README file.

Differences between 529renew and 529andYou

While the broad outline has remained the same, and 529renew is based on the original source code, there have been many small changes that affect the user and so you should be aware of. Reasons for many of them have been detailed elsewhere in the wiki.

  • The actions of modifier keys (shift, alt) on button operations have generally changed, usually to better suit the requirements for GDAT.
  • There is only one CSV output format: the one GDAT understands.
  • CSV Export will remember the date of last operation, and by default will only export new data. This does not apply if the export was restricted to certain people or chromosomes.
  • Added options for rounding of numbers
  • added setting for delays between each request to the 23andMe servers, to reduce the number of Error 428 lockouts.
  • removed code for setting and displaying phase (parental side), relationship, common ancestors
  • removed code for build 36.
  • user preferences are retained between shutdown and restart.


  • Rounding cM values: centiMorgan values are reported to a huge number of decimal places. Anything beyond about 1 decimal place is basically meaningless, so 529renew defaults to 2 decimal places.
  • Rounding Base-pair Address values: the old code rounded every base-pair address (start or end) to the nearest million. This apparently matched old output from 23andMe, but current web pages report address in full. Since this points to which SNP was the last matched, it might be useful and is also the way (all?) other sources report matching segments. So the code defaults to no rounding. The only drawback to this is potential duplication of segments. This option might be removed completely at some point, particularly if we can devise a way to avoid the duplication problem.
  • delay: about a year ago, 23andMe implemented a policy of testing the rate of web requests, and, rather than just rate-limiting the replies, enforced a loss of authentication requiring tedious Captcha-based logins that require detailed knowledge of USA-centric infrastructure and what fraction of a pedestrian crossing is required to be classed as "in the picture". (The robots probably do better than me). Cloudfare's suggested extension to store tokens works for some people but is a complete failure for me. The delay setting imposes a delay of this number of seconds between each request. Fractional seconds are permitted, down to millisecond resolution, but the initial quick-and-dirty setup only permits a few discrete values.
  • Overlap: There is currently no user interface to set this. Previous and current code considers segments as "overlapping" even if they match on just a single SNP (The end base-address of one is the start base-address of the other). This option will operate similar to GDAT's "minimum segment overlap" setting. It may not ever get written, because it only affects the view within the browser and the SVG output.


on the other matches profile page

  • The triangulate into ... button operates the same way
  • The Open 529renew button behaves similarly, but does not always open a new tab - if one is already open then it will simply adjust the existing results tab to select that person (but not refresh any displayed results)

On the results tab

Click modifier keys can be combined to achieve both additional effects. Allow the mouse to sit over the button to read the tips.

  • Create Match Table: shift-click to colour-code buttons (same); Alt-click (new) - show only matches since last CSV export (all people, all chromosomes)
  • Download CSV Update: different - all options include the unique ID (required shift-click previously); unmodified will export only new segment matches (should make import faster); shift-click to force export of full segment dataset; Alt-click - include pseudo-matches (chromosome "100")
  • Download GEXF: no optional modifiers; unchanged
  • Download SVG: no optional modifiers; unchanged
  • Import CSV: no optional modifiers; unchanged
  • Delete all 529 data: no optional modifiers; unchanged