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Why this topic relates to the module

Programming languages like Python, Java, etc are mostly used for development and creation. Powershell is an interpreted language for manipulation within a system.

Powershell v Bash

Powershell pushes around structed data, while Bash pushes text. Bash is typically Linux and Powershell is typically windows. Powershell is supported on nearly every popular platform.
Top 5 reasons in support of powershell

  • Automation
  • Accuracy
  • Versatility
  • Commuinity
  • Relevancy

Powershell Attacks

Powershell is increasingly being used for malicious purposes. Instead of installing an executable, it can be used to inject code directly into the memory of a system, making it harder to track down and eliminate. A powershell attack can be disguised as email attachements, which will run code directly into the system.

Things I want to know more about

How to protect from powershell attacks.

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