Ops 201 Class 14: Psychological Safety - CamBerry1/reading-notes GitHub Wiki

Why this topic relates to the module

We are in an increasingly interconnected world. We need to be able to work as a member of a team rather than as an individual. Which, editorially, is tough considering that we live in a society that very much praises individuality. But communities can accomplish so much more than the 'lone wolf'. And we are an extremely social species. This topic gets us back to our roots.

Questions / Prompts

  1. What are three key factors that contribute to psychologically safe teams?
  • Conversational turn taking
  • Social Sensitivity
  • Confidence that speaking up will not result in embarrasment
  1. Evaluate, with details, a previous professional setting (or team) you were in with regards to psychological safety.
    I've worked in many restaurant with many groups of people. There's one in particular that Sarah, our General Manager, always let us feel heard. She could be hard and soft. But she always listened. And that was one of the best teams I've ever been a part of.
  2. What impact do teams that operate with a high degree of psychological safety have on their company and the team members?
    A team with a lot of psychological safety can bring more to the table. When no one is afraid to speak up, more ideas are brought to life. I like the section that says that teams who aren't afraid to speak up have greater brainstorming power. When you have more to throw at the wall, there's more chance that a million dollar idea will stick.

Things I want to know more about

What can I do to let everyone on a team feel safe to speak up. And what can I do to feel safer speaking up when I don't.

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