Visual Studio configuration and operational prerequisites - CSharpTeoMan911/Eva GitHub Wiki

Operational prerequisites

  •    .NET version 4.6 or higher
  •    Windows 10/11
  •    Visual Studio 2019/2022

Installing and setting up the online speech recognition package

Installing the Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts package

Right click on the References section in the Solution Explorer and select Manage NuGet Packages. After the NuGet Pakage Manager is open, write in the Browse section Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts and select the package. After this, click install.

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Visual Studio CLI Package Manager Installation Method

Open the built-in package manager console and type the command:

[   COMMAND :   ]     Install-Package Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts -Version 10.0.25145-preview

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Migrating the Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts package from package-config to package-reference

Go to this link and follow the steps in order to incorporate the SDK as a library in the project.

Adding the in-proc (offline) speech recognition library

Go to the Python official website, download python and create a virtual environment where the Eva executable is located, by entering the command:
python -m venv [ PATH TO EVA EXECUTABLE ]

Alternatively, you can copy and paste the python installation contents into the directory where the Eva executable is located to create an OS independent and machine independent Python environment.

Example: Create venv

In order to ensure that pip is enabled in the virtual environment enter the command:
[ PATH TO EVA EXECUTABLE ]\python.exe -m ensurepip

Example: Ensure pip

Afterwards, move the python.exe executable file from the Scripts directory, to where the Eva.exe application executable is located.


Go to the Debug or Release folder, where Eva executable is located and copy the file there. The file is located in the Eva 5.0 directory, the directory where the application's solution is located.



Install Vosk and Pyaudio in the Python virtual environment where the Eva executable is located, by opening CMD or PowerShell and typing:

[ PATH TO EVA EXECUTABLE ] \python.exe -m pip install vosk
[ PATH TO EVA EXECUTABLE ] \python.exe -m pip install pyaudio


Pip install pyaudio Pip install vosk command








If you have issues installing Vosk or Pyaudio in this directory it may be caused by the fact that you already have a python virtual environment in your OS environment path variables. The solution is to download Vosk or Pyaudio in your main python environment, delete the current python environment in the Eva directory, copy the main python environment in the Eva's directory and uninstall the unnecessary libraries. To do this, in the copied environment enter: [ PATH TO EVA DIRECTORY ]\python.exe -m pip uninstall unwanted_package.

Installing the Vosk speech recognition engine model

Once the library is installed, go to the Vosk official website and download the vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15 speech recognition engine model and add it where the Eva executable file is located.



Adding the sound resources for the application

Go to the Releases page and download the file. Extract the zip file and move the Sounds directory in the directory where the Eva executable is located.






Adding the image resources for the application

Go to the Releases page and download the file. Extract the zip file and move the Images directory in the directory where the Eva executable is located.






Adding installer projects to Visual Studio

The Visual Studio Installer Projects extension must be installed in order to create installers that allow users to download and install the project on any computer.

Extension Download Links

Installer Projects Tutorial

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