The User Interface - CST-Modelling-Tools/fluxtracer GitHub Wiki

The Qt version of FluxTracer is currently operated using the Qt Creator's interface. Loading FluxTracer in Qt will bring-up the interface shown in Figure 1. FluxTracer application will appear on the vertical panel on left hand side of the screen, where the user can navigate through FluxTracer's code and other related files.


The user only needs to expand the "Other files" arrow, expand the ''notes'' arrow and then double click the input.xml document. This is the input document were the user can select and set-up the desired functionality that wants to run. For helping the users, the list of available functionalities are listed at the end of the input.xml document and are commented out as seen in Figure 2.


On the top of the input.xml, the user needs to assign the following:

inputPath: The input path needs to be pointing to the directory where the Tonatiuh's or Tonatiuh++'s output data are stored.

outputPath: The output path needs to be pointing to the directory where FluxTracer will output the results. In case that output path is not set, FluxTracer will output the results file in the same path as input.

folder: The actual folder where Tonatiuh's or Tonatiuh++'s output data are stored.

threads: The number of cpu threads available on the machine that the user is running the software.

functionality: The required functionality command from the available list as shown in Figure 3. In this case, the VoxelTraversal functionality is used. The required functionality can be copied from the list below and pasted above as shown in Figure 3.


The user can now run FluxTracer by pressing the run button at the bottom left corner of Qt Creator's interface. At this moment, FluxTracer will run and save the results in the set output path.