Use Cases - CSCI-360-2022/Beach-Boyz GitHub Wiki

Use Case 1: Customer Account Creation

  • Primary Actor: Customer
    Stakeholders and Interests:
          Customer: Wants to sign up for an account to use the ticketing system
          Vendor: Wants to make sales
          COFC: Wants a system to produce revenue
    Preconditions: Customer has interest in attending an event
    Success Guarantee: Customer successfully creates an account with a unique username and password.
    Main Success Scenario: Customer successfully creates account and has access to the application.
    Extensions: Customer's requested username or password does not meet requirements.
    Special Requirements: System must be able to handle simultaneous account creations and over 100,000 user accounts.
    Technology and Data Variations: System's MVP will only allow users to utilize a website.
    Open Issues:
           User loses internet connection.
           User's username and password becomes leaked.
           Bad actor uses another user's login credentials and obtains access.

Use Case 2: Event Search

Primary Actor: Customer
Stakeholders and Interests:
      Vendor wants Customer to be able to easily find the desired event's respective tickets.
      Customer wants to easily search for events.
Preconditions: Customer has an account and to be logged in.
Success Guarantee: Customer will be able to view information on the event that they searched
Main Success Scenario: Customer searches and finds desired event.
      Event was searched for but not found.
      Event was not found but a similar event was recommended.
Special Requirements: System must be able to handle over 1000 events.
Technology and Data Variations list: User must have a functioning web browser for events to populate and auto-update and       mainly to search for respective event(s).
Open Issues:
       Too many search requests crash system.
       Valid searches do not yield the proper event(s) requested.

Use Case 3: Ticket Purchase

Primary Actor: Customer
Stakeholders and Interests:
       Vendor wants Customer to be purchase tickets and utilize service.       Customer wants to easily purchase ticket.
Preconditions: Customer has an account and has selected a desired event.
Success Guarantee: Customer purchases ticket with online payment.
Main Success Scenario: Customer pays for ticket.
      Tickets are sold out.
      Customer/system rings up more than one transaction. Payment fails. Customer must try again.
Special Requirements: System must be able to handle simultaneous purchases on the same event while still managing       inventory.
Technology and Data Variations list: User must have a functioning web browser connected to wifi to be able to interact with the       payment portal.
Open Issues:
      Too many ticket requests at the same time may crash portal.       Customer “double clicks” and buys too many tickets.

Use Case 4: Ticket Confirmation

Primary Actor: Customer
Stakeholders and Interests:
      Vendor wants Customer to receive confirmation of order
      Customer wants to have receipt/proof.
Preconditions: Customer has an account and to have paid for a ticket.
Success Guarantee: Customer receives display of success message. Main Success Scenario: Customer receives display of success message. Extensions:
      System does not send customer confirmation.
Special Requirements: N/A
Technology and Data Variations list: User must have a device able to view pdfs/qr codes.
Open Issues: Customer receives inaccurate confirmation.

Use Case 5: Purchasing Too Many Tickets

Primary Actor: Customer
Stakeholders and Interests:
      Customer wants to purchase as many tickets as possible for hopes of reselling for financial gain.
      Vendor does not want ticket flipping and inventory issues.
Preconditions: Customer has an account and is attempting to load their cart up with more than x tickets.
Success Guarantee: Customer is prompted that their cart has exceeded the amount of tickets allowed.
Main Success Scenario: Customer can not purchase that many tickets.
Special Requirements: N/A
Technology and Data Variations list: User must have a device and be attempting to purchase tickets.
Open Issues: Customer uses multiple accounts to acquire more tickets.