Brian Weekly Log - CSC4790-Fall2024-Org/Sports-Betting-Tool GitHub Wiki

| 8/28 | Understanding general goals of project and forming team. Brainstorm preliminary ideas. | IC | 40 min | | 8/30 | Go over pros and cons of our ideas. Finalize on sports betting themed idea. Create list of high-level features we want to include. | IC | 40 min | | 9/2 | Preliminary research on APIs that access live odds across the web. Further research into positive expected value formulas and strategies for betting. Research on competitors in the industry. | OC | 30 min |

Date Task Description IC / OC Time Spent (min)
9/4/24 Completed a more detailed map out of the project with ordered steps to complete and caught up on sports betting strategies IC 20
9/6/24 Tried to start getting access to API on VS Code and downloaded React and Django IC 50
9/8/24 Researched competitors to see how accurate our API was during live games and potential new features to differentiate OC 30
9/9/24 Added scope and risk pages to the wiki on Github IC 50
9/11/24 Completed user stories and started to outline model sketch IC 50
9/13/24 Submitted model sketch and formatted Release 1 demo OC 50
9/15/24 Finalized release 1 presentation and practiced a couple of times OC 30
9/16/24 Gained access to the API in VS Code and confirmed that we have access to the data IC 50
9/18/24 Began downloading required tech stack and building virtual environment IC 50
9/20/24 Continued building environment and started integrating API IC 50
9/22/24 Confirmed access with displaying basic API output on VS Code through Django local site OC 60
9/23/24 Continued working with Django and filtering through API data to change outputs IC 50
9/25/24 Setup React site and verified display on React local site for the front end IC 50
9/27/24 Formatted data on React frontend app and cleaned up general bugs IC 50
9/30/24 Started on displaying multiple data links IC 50
10/1/24 Watched videos and did research on displaying multiple links OC 60
10/2/24 Continued trying to display multiple API links at once IC 50
10/4/24 Mapped out release 2 demo and built slides IC 50
10/7/24 Presented release 2 demo slides IC 50
10/21/24 Finally displayed multiple books for a selected market IC 50
10/23/24 Began devigging formula logic IC 50
10/25/24 Devig logic IC 50
10/27/24 Began working on arbtirage aspect OC 100
10/28/24 Researched arbitrage logic IC 50
10/30/24 Implemented arbitrage basic logic IC 50
11/1/24 Converted odds to european decimal logic IC 50
11/4/24 Tried to get all arbitrage logic running for all markets IC 50
11/6/24 Continued with trying to access all markets IC 50
11/8/24 Added in new page for our education topics IC 50
11/10/24 Successfully connected routes to the education page, so you can access it from home page OC 60
11/11/24 Began writing out the links to click on from education page IC 50
11/13/24 Continued writing out the education topics and integrating them, and built rough demo for poster IC 50
11/15/24 Successfully implemented and accessed education topics IC 50
11/17/24 Finalized presentation and the other artifacts needed for release 3 demo OC 120
11/18/24 Release 3 demo presentation IC 50
11/20/24 Continued to work on arbitrage page IC 50
11/22/24 Ran test cases on arbitrage page IC 50
11/25/24 Began working on styling of site OC 60
11/30/24 Continued working on styling and final detains OC 60
12/2/24 Submitted final poster and abstract, practiced lightning talk IC 50
12/4/24 Lightning talk live practice IC 50
12/6/24 Presentation Day! IC