Meeting Log - CSC4790-Fall2024-Org/Grocery-Receipt-App GitHub Wiki

Week Meeting Topic Follow up Actions
1 Brainstormed Potential Ideas to Pursue Individually Research various ideas, look into Tech Stack, OCRs, & Paths to build an app either on web or mobile
2 Find OCRs for our app, finish Github Repo Setup Test OCRS online, Buildout Repo, Work on Wiki
3 Setup AWS Backend Research how to setup an AWS account, connecting an API to React Native
4 Connecting AWS Backend Further into App (S3/Textract) Figuring out the code to get image from user's phone to S3 Bucket to Textract
5 Research Different Methods to Parse Receipt Explore Heuristics, ChatGpt, and Gemini for parsing receipt data. Also work on prompts.
6 Designating who works on the various pages of the mobile app Mark works on uploading an image, Luke on processing the feedback from Gemini and letting users pick various items, and Jaden works on the Breakdown Page