Final Summary - CSC4790-Fall2024-Org/Grocery-Receipt-App GitHub Wiki

A. Reflection

  • What went well: Finished everything we included in our limited and ambitious scope. We made an end to end working mobile app.
  • What could be improved for a future project: Less reliance on things we may have to pay for in the future (Google AI/AWS Services)
  • What "lessons learned" will you carry forward with you from this experience: Before you start coding flush out how both the styling and architecture will work on a given page. Work in chunks, we first got the upload functionality then AWS Textract working then Google AI working. Doing necessary research into external tools was pivotal to our groups success when we first uploaded a receipt to ChatGPT it failed, but we kept looking for alternative solutions. Since we worked on a mobile app, factor in different screen sizes (use % in styling not fixed values!), Dribble is a great source for UI ideas.

B. Curriculum

  • Which topics were most useful for your senior project: Platform Based Computing (React Native Development/Expo Go/Passing Info Page to Page), Software Engineering (Agile Development/Teamwork), Applied Machine Learning (Implementing AI into Code)
  • Are there any additional topics you recommend for inclusion in the course: Researching and Connecting APIs to your Mobile App,

C. Advice

  • What advice do you have for your fellow students to succeed with their senior projects: Before you decide on a project idea find a project idea that really pulls you (don't do it if you're half sold), if you intend to use a service that has an available AI tool that knows the docs definitely use it (we wouldn't have been able to connect AWS as easily without Amazon Q), before you code any DS structure or follow a styling path flush out all possible options.