AI Usage - CSC4790-Fall2024-Org/Dream-Interpreter GitHub Wiki

We use AI extensively in our project because it is the basis of the application. We use Gemini for the textual interpretation of dreams, which allows for robust analysis of symbolism and emotional impact of dreams. It is a huge plus because of the interpretation quality. One negative we have faced with Gemini is it can be slightly tight with its determination of what is inappropriate or not. However, it is fast, reliable, easy to prompt, and has a quality API interface. Gooey has also been solid, with its ability to create GIFs of dream prompts which have a dreamlike quality to them. The main problems we have encountered with Gooey is that it has limit on how many free animations can be generated. We have countered this by creating new accounts to reset our limits, but this is not a long term solution. Also, the API is slightly strange in that it creates a link to the image rather than returning the image itself. We will look into alternatives for Gooey.