Abstract Updated from last semester - CSC4700-Spring2024-Org/csc4700-team-project-socialconnect GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the csc4700-team-project-socialconnect wiki!

  1. We got all 4 of our dashboard components working and updating using api calls. We were able to connect the users instagram account to their social connect account. Meeting up as a group to get work done was very helpful if we were having issues. Was very collaborative and we could discuss questions and solve merge conflicts way easier in person.
  2. When we had to host our website on AWS we weren't able to all work on the website anymore because it was being hosted on Dan's computer. This made it harder to test at the end of the project when we were encountering api bugs. To fix this we are migrating the API calls from the front-end to the backend to resume working on the project again.
  3. Figure out API's for Youtube, Tiktok, X or Twitter.
  4. Enable posting to multiple platforms at once.
  5. Add ability to respond to comments from the dashboard.
  6. Add functionality to sidebar for expanded pages from dashboard​
  7. Add customizability for user's dashboard​
  8. Add moderator role
  9. Add security protocols according to OWASP top 10 and authentication, verify account through email, etc.