Meeting Summaries and Notes - COS420-Fall24/Team-E GitHub Wiki

9/22 Scrum Kickoff Meeting Summary


-Sarah Turmel

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Brianna Gannett


-Created the Team E(thernet) GitHub page

-Created the policies for meetings and communication in the discord which can be found in the Team Ethernet repository wiki on the Home page

-Worked on problem statements for team problems

Next Steps:

-Meet soon to discuss potential Saturday scrum review (15-30 minutes or so)

9/25 Workshop/Scrum Review


-Sarah Turmel

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Brianna Gannett

-Dean Hauser


-Discussed and submitted Project: Design you Team

-Formatting for Git is easily navigable and understandable for team members

-Everyone can access necessary documents

Next Steps:

-Meet Sunday (9/29) to get work on Deliverable 0 started and distribute work load among group members

9/29 Scrum Kickoff


-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Brianna Gannett

-Dean Hauser


-11:00 AM Scrum Reviews Scheduled Weekly on Saturdays

-Assigned tasks/issues to team members; approved by each member

 -Aim to finish written tasks by Tuesday the first 

 -Aim to finish quality checking by Wednesday the second

-Contact the group if you are falling behind and need help with your tasks

Next Steps:

-Meet Wednesday October second to discuss status of assignment

 -Tie up any loose ends

 -Do a finished doc ‘quality check’ (quick look through) as a group

-Come up with a name for our ap p

10/02 Workshop/Scrum Review


-Sarah Turmel

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Brianna Gannett

-Dean Hauser


-Discussed and submitted Deliverable 0

-Discussed good comments for resolving issues (eg Emily’s comments)

Next Steps:

-Create Tentative Task Assignments for Saturday

-Meet next Sunday to organize and Discuss Deliverable 1; then start working on it

10/05 Scrum Kickoff


-Roisin Rumsey

-Brianna Gannett

-Dean Hauser


-Discussed and assigned deliverable 0 tasks

Next Steps:

-Meet tomorrow (Sunday 10/6) for work time (focus on implementation and UI mockup)

-Message Dr. Greg to ask them for feedback

10/06 Work Meeting


-Roisin Rumsey

-Brianna Gannett

-Dean Hauser

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott


-Worked on Deliverable 1

-Distributed any remaining tasks

Next Steps:

-Continue working individually on your assignments

-Meet Wednesday 10/9 for a Scrum Review


-Roisin Rumsey

-Brianna Gannett

-Dean Hauser

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott


-Deliverable 1

  -Looked over the assignment as a final review

  -Formatted requirements in the SRS document

  -Did the Scrum Review Document and put a new task into Kanban from it

Next Steps:

-Meet Saturday 10/11 for Deliverable 2 Scrum Kickoff

10/12 Scrum Kickoff Notes


-Roisin Rumsey

-Brianna Gannett

-Dean Hauser

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott


-Discussed and assigned deliverable 2 tasks

Next Steps:

-Meet tomorrow (Sunday 10/13) for work time and further task discussion

10/13 Workshop Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott


-Discussed and looked at progress on UI code implementation

Next Steps:

-Continue work on Deliverable 2

-Discuss Progress on Code Implementation

10/17 Workshop Meeting Notes


-Roisin Rumsey

-Brianna Gannett

-Dean Hauser

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott



-Everyone is on track; no major unaddressed concerns

Designer Specific:

-Potential UI Mockups to be added to the SRS: sleep log, avatar customization page

Developer Specific:

-Meet at some point (Sunday) to discuss the organization and direction of the implementation

Next Steps:

-Do Scrum Review Doc Sunday (10/20)

-Change the app implementation to act properly as a website

-Continue work on Deliverable 2

10/19/24 Meeting Notes


-Roisin Rumsey

-Brianna Gannett

-Emily Scott


-Documentation Progress is going well; no concerns

-People are nervous about progress on Implementation (Devs will meet Sunday?)

-Srs document version numbers will go with deliverable # (first revision this time was 2.0 for Deliverable 2)

-Remember to properly format your issues in the kanban board (include copy-pasted rubric information from the Deliverable)

-Remember to move your issues through the Kanban board while working through them

10/20/24 Meeting Notes


-Roisin Rumsey

-Brianna Gannett

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott

-Dean Hauser


-Completed Scrum Review

-Sleep tracker will have to be user input at the moment

 Consider eventually making importing from other application data available

-Deliverable is on track to finish

-No major concerns

Next Steps:

-Submit Deliverable 2

10/23/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott

-Dean Hauser


-Delegated Tasks for Deliverable 3

Next Steps:

-Put tasks in the Kanban Board

-Start work on Deliverable 3 once feedback is received

10/26/24 Meeting Notes


-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott

-Dean Hauser


-Implementation was discussed by Developers

-Devs split implementation tasks up

Next Steps:

-Continue to work on Implementation for Deliverable 3

10/27/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott

-Dean Hauser


-Messaged Dr. Greg to inquire about feedback

-Discussed implementation

Next Steps:

-Start work on Deliverable 3 documentation once feedback is received

-Continue work on Deliverable 3 implementation

10/30/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Emily Scott

-Sarah Turmel


-We will do usability testing (Emily will handle it when she has time; if something comes up she can pass it off)

-Implementation is going well; progress is being made and implementation is going smoothly

 Implementation should be finished by the 8th of November to give enough time to record the current implementation video

-There are slight concerns about continuous integration and the domain model being difficult

Next Steps:

-Continue work on Deliverable 3

11/02/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Dean Hauser

-Emily Scott

-Sarah Turmel


-We'll wait for CI until we learn about it in class

-No major concerns

Next Steps:

-Continue work on Deliverable 3

11/03/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Dean Hauser

-Emily Scott

-Sarah Turmel


-No major concerns

-Implementation is going well (registration and homepage looking good; task page to be started)

-Backend Dev:

 -Roisin has experience with firebase; potential meeting between Emily and Roisin to discuss it 

 -Dean has experience with non-firebase backend; potential meeting between Emily and Dean for that 

Next Steps:

-Continue work on Deliverable 3

11/06/24 Meeting Notes


-Roisin Rumsey

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott

-Dean Hauser

11/09/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott


-We have to slightly modify the code to properly make components router components

-Everything seems to be going fine; should be done by tomorrow

-Usability Testing was started Feedback was received for UI mockups from users

Next Steps:

-Do Scrum Review document at tomorrows (Sunday Nov 10) meeting

11/13/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Sarah Turmel

-Emily Scott


-Tasks are assigned well

Next Steps:

-Begin work on Deliverable 4 after receiving feedback from Dr. Greg

11/16/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Sarah Turmel

-Dean Hauser

-Dr. Greg (woo)


-Scoping meeting went well

-Current idea of scope is good

Next Steps:

-Begin work on deliverable 4

11/17/24 Meeting Notes

-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Sarah Turmel


-No major concerns for deliverable 4

-Dean's code failed to build so we looked through it

Next Steps:

-Dean, Emily, and Sarah meeting on Tuesday Nov 19 to discuss the code and debug if necessary

11/19/24 Firebase Meeting Summary


-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Dean Hauser


-Link for Firebase database shared

-Addressed confirm password issue

 -Added variables and checkPasswords function

-Addressed page navigation issues

-Fixed minor bugs on modal

 -Created open and close modal functions

Next Steps:

-Emily - implement task backend

 -Task variables can be saved in firebase

-Roisin - task frontend

-Dean - avatar and backend assist

11/20/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Sarah Turmel

-Dean Hauser


-Reworked Tasks are good

-Due dates have been changed slightly to reflect the remaining time

-Deliverable 5 meetings over Thanksgiving break were discussed

 -Scrum Kickoff will occur as usual (Wednesday, Nov 27 @ 7pm)

      -Pair programming for Dev. 5 will be scheduled here as well

 -Meetings on the weekend that usually act as check-ins and workshops will be asynchronous due to travel conflicts

      -Communication will be kept up through the discord chat

      -Meeting times could work as potential pair programming sessions

Next Steps:

-Continue Work on Deliverable 4

-Meet Saturday (11/23) for check-in on Dev. 4 progress

11/23/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Sarah Turmel

-Dean Hauser


-progress on deliverable 4 is going well

-worked together on detailed designs as well as discussed implementation issues

Next Steps:

-continue work on deliverable 4

-meet Sunday Nov 24 for scrum review

11/24/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Sarah Turmel

-Dean Hauser


-Scrum review doc completed

-no concerns

Next Steps:

-Meet Wednesday, Nov 27th for Deliverable 5 Scrum kickoff

12/04/24 Meeting Notes


-Brianna Gannett

-Roisin Rumsey

-Emily Scott

-Sarah Turmel

-Dean Hauser


-video displaying application working on all member's devices recorded

-Emily and Dean will have a discussion on combining the code that they wrote for the task page

-Emily and Roisin will meet together after the meeting until 9ish then with Dean for another hour or so

-since usability testing is not required, do it if you want but don't stress

-I, Brianna, will work on the extra credit test document

Next Steps:

-continue work on Deliverable 5