Resolving locale errors - CMU-18240/240-How-to GitHub Wiki

If your computer's locale isn't set to the US, you may run into error messages that look something like

bin/sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (C.UTF-8)

This is an issue with your own locale settings (not with the ECE or Unix server's). It should be easily fixed by installing the locales.

On your local computer (not SSH'd):

  1. Assuming a Debian based system, run the command below. You should get a rather bright pink screen.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
  1. Using the arrow keys, go down until you find en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8. Highlight that and hit Spacebar.

  2. Hit Enter.

  3. Highlight en_US.UTF-8 again and hit Enter.

That should install the necessary locale stuff, and remove the errors from earlier.

If this doesn't work go to your bashrc on your remote connection and add this line:

export LC_ALL=C

then exit out of your bashrc and type

source ~/.bashrc
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