Regrade requests - CMU-18240/240-How-to GitHub Wiki

Over the course of the semester, you may find that we've made a mistake in our grading either for your assignments or exams. We're human. It happens. Should you notice a mistake in the way your work was graded, please follow the following instructions. Note that the process differs between normal work and exams.

Do note that there is no penalty to your score when submitting regrade requests. Even if we notice a mistake that would cause you to lose points we will not deduct them. The worst outcome for you when filing a regrade request is you don't gain any points, so please tell us if we make a mistake.

All assignments (HW, lab, exams)

Please submit regrade requests via Gradescope. If regrades are not opened, please let us know via Piazza.

A TA will reply to your post and notify you of the outcome. Please submit your regrade requests within a week after grades have been released.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️