2024‐03‐27 - CMPUT301W24T38/Collatz301 GitHub Wiki

Give progress updates and sprint planning

  • Nehal: Fix some of profile picture bug and limit number of users that can sign up
  • Juan: finished map user story
  • Michael: implemented reusable QR codes, share QR codes now bring up the event Sprint Planning
  • Nehal: US 02.05.01 (As an attendee, I want my profile picture to be deterministically generated from my profile name if I haven't uploaded an profile image yet.)
  • Michael: Exporting QR codes for email, pdf, etc... use
  • Juan: Work on tests and any user stories to finish
  • Nathan: Completed logic for notification user stories, setting on implementation and starting milestones user story.
  • Logan: Fixed asynchronous issue with pulling user from firestore using callback. Updated admin views.