2024‐03‐20 - CMPUT301W24T38/Collatz301 GitHub Wiki

Give progress updates

  • Nehal: Fix user authentication (now users will have to initially create profile once), profile pictures are deterministically generated, user can browse events and sign up
  • Michael: Implemented QR codes, Checkin, attendee list and check in counts
  • Juan : Got the logic down for qr checkins
  • Logan: Implemented admin psuedo login and create basic views for admin tasks.

Sprint Planning

  • Nehal: US 01.11.01 (As an organizer, I want to OPTIONALLY limit the number of attendees that can sign up for an event.)
  • Michael: Reuse current events, share qr codes
  • Juan: Implement geolocation services and map display
  • Nathan: Implement notifications for several user stories.
  • Logan: Fix asynchronous issue with pulling user data from firestore and update admin views (want to allow for user function as well as admin)