Meeting 4: Mar 6, 2024 - CMPUT301W24T15/SyncQR GitHub Wiki


  • Place: ETLC 1-0003
  • Date: March 6, 2024 6:00pm
  • Duration: ~1h


  • Ask TA questions about the Project Part 3
  • Discuss the finished work of Project Part 3
  • Summarize the work left and allocate the work to each group member.
  1. Xin works on Attendee and Administrator Classes and UML Diagram and JavaDoc description in codes

Add Attendee and Administrator XML files

  1. Yiqing works on Organizer Class and generates JavaDoc

Add Organizer folder

  1. Kevin and Hiren work on Database and Event Classes

Add EventListActivity, EventDetailActivity; Upload homepage.xml

  1. Henry works on Profile Class

Add ProfileActivity; Modify MainActivity