Part 2: Backlog - CMPUT301W23T21/QR-Project GitHub Wiki

Product Backlog:

  • We have summarised the user stories in the product backlog below.
  • The entire team created the issues in group sessions, dividing the work equally.
  • The assignment of risk and story points was done via consensus.
  • Each user story specifies acceptance criteria that must be met before closing the issue.
  • Each issue specifies unknowns that should be determined before starting work on the issue.
  • Each user story is assigned story points (1, 2, 3, 5, 8 or 13) indicating the estimated effort required to complete the user story.
  • Each user story is assigned a risk level of low, medium or high indicating the relative uncertainty of the successful completion of the user story.
  • The user stories risk level and story points are not final and are subject to change.
User Story Code User Story Description Risk Level Story Points Half-Way Checkpoint
US 01.01.01 As a player, I want to add new QR codes to my account. Medium 5 X
US 01.02.01 As a player, I want to see what QR codes I have added to my account. Low 3 X
US 01.03.01 As a player, I want to remove QR codes from my account. Medium 5 X
US 01.04.01 As a player, I want to see my highest and lowest scoring QR codes. Low 5 X
US 01.05.01 As a player, I want to see the sum of scores of QR codes that I have scanned. Low 2 X
US 01.06.01 As a player, I want to see the total number of QR codes that I have scanned. Low 2 X
US 01.07.01 As a player, I want to see other player’s profiles. Medium 8 X
US 02.01.01 As a player, I want to be able to scan QR codes and record a photo of the location or object, and the geolocation of the location or object. High 13 X
US 02.02.01 As a player, I want to be able to comment on QR codes. Medium 8
US 02.03.01 As a player, I want to be able to browse QR codes that other players have scanned. Medium 8 X
US 02.04.01 As a player, I want to see that other players have scanned the same QR code. Medium 8 X
US 02.05.01 As a player, I want QR codes to have a unique human readable name. Medium 13
US 02.06.01 As a player, I want to see a visual representation of a QR code relatively unique to that QR code. Medium 13
US 04.01.01 As a player, I want a profile with a unique username and my contact information. Low 5 X
US 04.02.01 As a player, I do not want to log into my application using a username and password as my device can identify me. Low 5
US 05.01.01 As a player, I want to search for other players by username. Medium 5
US 05.02.01 As a player, I want to search for nearby QR codes by using geolocation. High 13
US 06.01.01 As a player, I want to see a map of geo-locations of nearby QR codes. High 13
US 07.01.01 As a player, I want to see game-wide high scores of all players. Medium 5
US 07.02.01 As a player, I want an estimate of my ranking for the highest scoring unique QR code. Medium 5
US 08.01.01 As a player, I don’t want the actual code recorded. (E.g., so I can scan and score my vaccine passport). Medium 5 X
US 08.02.01 As a player, I want to be able to decline recording geolocation for privacy reasons. High 8
US 09.01.01 As an owner, I don’t want to store big images online. Medium 8