Meeting 5%3A March 15 - CMPUT301W23T21/QR-Project GitHub Wiki

Members Attendance:

  • Luke
  • Justin
  • Paul
  • Aksshat
  • Abdullah
  • Khoi

Demonstrated our working app to the TA

Planned Work:

  • The group is to complete the remaining user stories for the final check-point
  • The UML, documentations, and etc are to be up-to-date to match with our current app version

Khoi, Justin, Paul: US 01.03.01 US 02.06.01 US 05.02.01 US 06.01.01

Abdullah, Aksshat, Luke: US 02.04.01 US 01.07.01 US 02.02.01 US 02.03.01 US 05.01.01


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️