Meetings - CMPUT301W23T20/QR-GO GitHub Wiki

Meeting 1 - Feb. 2, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • First meeting with Ty

Meeting 2 - Feb. 8, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


Project division

  • CRC - Mohamed, Ethan, Vanessa
  • UI - Momo, Rex, Chris
  • Backlog - Vanessa, Chris (They will assist with other tasks after they're done Backlog)


  • Discussed what classes the project would need.

Meeting 3 - Feb. 9, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


Scrum Master

  • Manage Meeting
  • Itinerary of Meeting

Project Manager

  • Make sure everything is going smooth with the project in terms of tasks

Meeting 4 - Feb. 15, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • Ethan and Mohamed will take on Player and QR features.

  • Momo and Rex will take Searching and Scoring features.

  • Vanessa will take on Location and camera features.

  • Chris will take on player profile features.

  • Everyone should make branches in format of (what they're working)-name (i.e. Leaderboard-Momo)

Sprint US & Task Assignment

  • Ethan - 01.01.01, 01.02.01, 01.03.01, 01.04.01, 04.02.01
  • Mohamed - 01.04.01, 01.05.01
  • Momo - 05.01.01, 05.01.02
  • Rex - 07.01.01, 07.02.01, Creating a workable app that would hold all our activities/fragments
  • Vanessa - 06.01.01
  • Chris - 04.01.01, Configuring and creating the database

Meeting 5 - Mar. 2, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • We will all try to get our code for our parts done by Sunday (Chris' part depends on his debugging process, Momo and Rex can help him if they're done early)
  • Momo will work on leaderboard, Rex will work on getting a general UI fragment interface working so that the whole app with different functons can work.
  • Put the parts you're working on in the "In Progress" section in Backlog.
  • Write comments for Javadocs!
  • We need to have a somewhat working demo by Thursday Mar. 9th.
  • We will have a meeting after Sunday on Monday/Tuesday to try and combine our work together and have some sort of working demo before Thursday to present to Ty.
  • After the demo and codebase is mostly done, we will work on UML, testing, and UI mockup/storyboard updates.

Sprint US & Task Assignment

  • Ethan - 02.02.01, 02.04.01, 02.05.01, 02.06.01
  • Mohamed - 02.02.01, 02.04.01, 02.05.01, 02.06.01
  • Momo - 07.01.01, 07.02.01
  • Rex - 07.01.01, 07.02.01, UI fragment/activity adjustments
  • Vanessa - 02.01.01, 08.02.01
  • Chris - 04.02.01, Configuring and creating the database

Meeting 6 - Mar. 6, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • Review everyone's progress on their user stories
  • Discuss how to combine all our programs into a usable demo app
  • Discuss UI fragments/activities


  • Make your View(Classname)Fragment classes so that Rex can combine
  • Format xml files as (Classname)_fragment.xml
  • Will merge to main on Wednesday and aim to have a working demo by then

Meeting 7 - Mar. 9, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • Need to change some parts of the project to activities so as to not overload fragments.
  • Everyone will write tests and Javadocs for their parts of the project.
  • Need to get around 11-13 user stories done for halfway checkpoint.
  • Rex will work on UML.
  • Momo will work on UI updates.

Sprint US & Task Assignment

  • Before Monday 13th, all assigned user stories from previous sprint will be completed.
  • Meeting will be held on 14th/15th to assign stories for next sprint.

Meeting 8 - Mar. 16, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • Momo and Ethan will work on fixing search function in leaderboard.
  • Vanessa will keep working on map.
  • Mohamed will figure out a way to create more unique usernames.
  • Presentation notes: 5 minutes in lab, don't spend time on sign-up, must have test data loaded before presentation.

Meeting 9 - Mar. 23, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • Make sure pull requests have assignees and at least 2 reviewers.
  • Make sure UI looks cohesive and has consistent back buttons.
  • Filter leaderboard to account for two different ranking options.
  • Add something to scan screen (maybe a design).
  • Presentation: 5 minutes, will be live demo on Android phone on April 6.
  • If time allows, have an extra unique feature not mentioned in the project spec.
  • Meetings will be online from now on.

Meeting 10 - Mar. 24, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • Momo will work on leaderboard scoring, clicking profiles.
  • Ethan will work on QR comments.
  • Mohamed will work on QR views.
  • Rex will work on setting up a basic UI.
  • Chris will work on image processing.
  • Vanessa will work on adding QR codes to map.
  • Everyone will update UML accordingly.

Sprint US & Task Assignment

The following user stories were assigned for this sprint.

  • Ethan - 01.07.01, 02.02.01
  • Vanessa - 06.01.01, 05.02.01
  • Momo - 07.02.01
  • Mohamed - 02.03.01, 02.04.01
  • Chris - 09.01.01
  • Rex - UI Design

Meeting 11 - Mar. 30, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • Momo and Rex will work on the UI.
  • Mohamed will work on the QR view.
  • Vanessa will on adding QR codes to the map.
  • Chris will work on processing images.
  • Ethan will work on the player list.

Sprint US & Task Assignment

The following user stories were completed in the last sprint.

  • Ethan - 02.02.01
  • Vanessa - 05.02.01
  • Momo - 07.02.01

The following user stories were assigned for this sprint.

  • Ethan - 01.07.01
  • Vanessa - 05.02.01
  • Momo - UI Design
  • Mohamed - 02.03.01, 02.04.01
  • Chris - 09.01.01
  • Rex - UI Design

Meeting 12 - Apr. 2, 2023


  • Momo
  • Ethan
  • Vanessa
  • Mohamed
  • Rex
  • Chris


  • Meet up on Tuesday to practice demo presentation.

Sprint US & Task Assignment

The following user stories were completed in this last sprint

  • Ethan - 01.07.01
  • Vanessa - 05.02.01
  • Momo - UI Design
  • Mohamed - 02.03.01, 02.04.01
  • Chris - 09.01.01
  • Rex - UI Design

The following user stories were assigned and completed in this last sprint

  • Ethan - 10.01.01, 10.01.02
  • Rex - 11.01.01