Contributions - CMPUT301W23T20/QR-GO GitHub Wiki

Part 2

Vanessa Huang

  • Product Backlog

Chris Xu

  • Product Backlog

Momo Al-Bachachi

  • User Interface Mockups and Storyboard Sequences

Rex Zheng

  • User Interface Mockups and Storyboard Sequences

Ethan Trac

  • Object-Oriented Analysis

Mohamed Younis

  • Object-Oriented Analysis

Part 3

Vanessa Huang

  • Create Scanner, Camera, Location, and Map class
  • Scanner, Camera, Location access, and Map UI
  • Added user permissions for camera access and geolocation access
  • Wrote test cases for the scanner, camera, getting geolocation, and map
  • Contributed to updating UML

Chris Xu

  • Created and connected Firestore to the project
  • Created GreetingScreenActivity class
  • Wrote test cases for GreetingScreenActivity
  • Contribute to updating UML

Momo Al-Bachachi

  • Created Leaderboard class
  • Implemented search user function for leaderboard
  • Wrote test cases for leaderboard
  • Documented sprint assignments
  • Updated UI Mockups and Storyboard

Rex Zheng

  • Create primary screen UI
  • Connect others' designs to the primary screen
  • Contribute to updating UML

Ethan Trac

  • Connect Scanner, Player Profile to Firebase
  • Create DatabaseHelper
  • Create Actor classes (Player, Owner)
  • Profile UI
  • Test cases for Player and Profile UI
  • Contribute to updating UML

Mohamed Younis

  • Qr class
  • scoring system
  • naming system
  • avatar system
  • Test cases for Qr class

Part 4

Vanessa Huang

  • Connected map to firebase storage
  • Stored geolocations of QR codes to firebase
  • Displayed markers on map that shows scanned QR codes
  • Implemented pop-up after scanning QR code

Chris Xu

  • Converted photo to URI
  • Connected photo to firebase storage
  • Compressed photo
  • Displayed photo on QR

Momo Al-Bachachi

  • Added unique scoring and sorting to leaderboard
  • Wrote tests for leaderboard
  • Designed and implemented UI for leaderboard, scanning page, player and QR views
  • Updated UI mockups and storyboard
  • Documented sprint assignments

Rex Zheng

  • Designed loading screen, changed app icon
  • Add Coupon feature
  • Add menu to the action bar
  • Implement methods to change part of the theme and background
  • Designed some themes

Ethan Trac

  • When user clicks on leaderboard, it shows a profile
  • Commenting system on QR codes
  • QR Player list function
  • Compose and implement background music
  • Store QR photo URI in database
  • When user clicks on a marker on the map, it will show a QR
  • Prevent players from scanning the same QR

Mohamed Younis

  • Revised naming system to include 15^6 possible combinations
  • Revised avatar system to include 11^5 possible combinations
  • Implemented avatar into the view system of QR
  • Revised pop-up after scanning a qr code to properly display the avatar of a QR code