Work Distribution - CMPUT301W21T22/Spearmint GitHub Wiki

Project Part 2

Andrew Tran:

  • Contributed to product backlog
  • Created and contributed to UML diagram
  • Fixed product backlog issue
  • Created wiki with links and description

Daniel Jeon:

  • Absent due to medical reasons

Gavriel Lowie:

  • Contributed to product backlog
  • Contributed to design UI mockups
  • Contributed to storyboard sequence
  • Contributed to UML diagram

Jiho Park:

  • Contributed to product backlog
  • Contributed to UML diagram

Michael Jiang:

  • Contributed to product backlog
  • Designed UI mockups
  • Contributed to storyboard sequence

Sandy Yim:

  • Contributed to product backlog
  • Contributed to UML diagram
  • Contributed to storyboard sequence
  • Contributed to project wiki descriptions
  • Created and contributed to GitHub project board

Project Part 3 Deliverables

Andrew Tran:

  • US 01.01.01 (publish experiment)
  • Completed updated UML diagram
  • US 01.02.01 (unpublish experiment)
  • Firebase connectivity with experiments
  • US 02.03.01 (browse questions and replies in an experiment)

Daniel Jeon:

  • US 01.01.01 (publish experiment)
  • US 01.02.01 (unpublish experiment)
  • US 02.01.01 (ask question about an experiment)
  • US 02.02.01 (reply to questions in an experiment)
  • US 02.03.01 (browse questions and replies in an experiment)
  • Firebase connectivity with experiments

Gavriel Lowie:

  • US 04.01.01 (make profile)
  • US 04.02.01 (edit profile)
  • Committed project onto GitHub
  • Created Firebase for data storage
  • Created README
  • Edited Work Distribution and Sprint Planning and Review
  • US 02.01.01 (ask question about an experiment)

Jiho Park:

  • US 05.01.01 (search experiment with keyword)
  • US 05.02.01 (search results that show experiments with its owner, username, and status)
  • Completed intent testing for all controller classes

Michael Jiang:

  • US 04.01.01 (make profile)
  • US 04.02.01 (edit profile)
  • Added user mockups in README
  • Added references page
  • Updated user mockups
  • Updated storyboard sequence

Sandy Yim:

  • US 05.01.01 (search experiment with keyword)
  • US 05.02.01 (search results that show experiments with its owner, username, and status)

Project Part 4

Andrew Tran:

  • (US 06.04.01)
  • (US 06.03.01)
  • (US 06.01.01)
  • (US 01.05.01)
  • (US 01.02.01)
  • Updated UML diagram

Daniel Jeon:

  • (US 01.03.01)
  • (US 01.04.01)
  • (US 01.05.01)
  • (US 01.08.01)
  • (US 03.01.01)
  • (US 03.03.01)
  • (US 04.03.01)
  • (US 06.01.01)
  • (US 06.02.01)
  • (US 06.04.01)

Jiho Park:

  • (US 01.04.01)
  • Intent testing and unit testing for all testable cases

Gavriel Lowie:

  • (US 03.02.01)
  • (US 03.01.01)
  • Edited UML diagram
  • Edited work distribution for part 4

Michael Jiang:

  • Updated UML diagram
  • Updated README with user interface mockups
  • Updated storyboard sequence

Sandy Yim:

  • (US 03.03.01)
  • (US 03.01.01)
  • (US 01.04.01)