Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 - CMPUT301W21T22/Spearmint GitHub Wiki

General meeting comments

  • Type of Meeting: Biweekly Scrum
  • Attendees: Andrew, Jiho, Michael, Sandy, Gavriel, Daniel
  • received suggestions from TA about how to split the work and plan the rest of the project
  • decided to pair partners up and partners work together for each user story
  • plan to complete 12 user stories before part 3 is due on March 19th, 6 stories a week for the next two weeks, 2 user stories a week per pair ideally
  • plan to have a working demo for part 3

Andrew and Daniel:

  • US 01.01.01 (publish experiment)

Gavriel and Michael:

  • US 04.01.01 (make profile)

Jiho and Sandy:

  • US 05.01.01 (search experiment with keyword)

Whichever pair finishes first will continue to take on these user stories next:

  • US 02.01.01 (ask question)
  • US 01.02.01 (unpublish)
  • US 01.03.01 (end experiments, no new results added)
  • US 02.02.01 (reply to questions)
  • US 04.02.01 (edit contact information)
  • US 05.02.01 (search results show experiments with details)
  • US 01.04.01 (subscribe to experiment)
  • US 02.03.01 (show Q&A's about experiment)
  • US 01.08.01 (ignore certain experimenter's results)


  • forgot to create a local repo, restart from scratch? (not a lot of work was done though)