User Interface Mockups - CMPUT301W21T22/Spearmint GitHub Wiki

User Register Account This allows the user to register for an account if they do not already have one.

User's Experiment List This screen shows the user's published experiments.

Creating Experiment The user is able to edit the details of the experiment they wish to publish. This includes information such as description, experiment type, location, and the minimum amount of trials.

Experiment Search This allows the user to search up a specific experiment they may be interested in. The trial that is listed also shows the username and status the experiment's owner.

Viewing Experiment This screen is shown after the user clicks on the experiment. This shows the description of the experiment and allows the user to subscribe or ask a question with the add button below.

Asking question + subscribe This screen is shown after pressing the add button at the bottom of "Viewing Experiment". There is an option to subscribe to the experiment or to submit a question/comment.

Viewing questions + replies The user can look at the specific questions, comments, and replies of other users on a specific experiment.

Replying to question This allows the owner of an experiment to reply to a certain question or comment.

QR Code This screen shows up after generating a QR Code for the user's experiment.

Incrementing Count-based Trial This screen shows the incrementing count-based trial. There are several buttons on this page, and the user has the ability to generate the QR Code, Save the progress of the trial, or to access geo-location and view map.

User Profile This screen shows the user's profile, which can be accessed when clicking the username.

Histogram + Plot Experimenter can view a histogram and plot diagram of the experiment

Statistics Experimenter can view the quartiles, median, mean, and stdev of the current trial

Experiment List Results Users can view the results of trials, and see who the users are that contributed to the experiment.

Share Location Experimenter gets a warning that their location will be shared if they subscribe to this experiment

Map Experimenter gets access to the geo-location of a geo-location experiment