Thursday, March 18th, 2021 - CMPUT301W21T22/Spearmint GitHub Wiki


  • Type of Meeting: Biweekly Scrum
  • Attendees: Andrew, Jiho, Michael, Sandy, Gavriel, Daniel


From Part 2:

  • Need to fix UML diagram
  • Naming conventions need to be consistent for UML diagram
  • UML diagram needs to have a clear image when uploaded to GitHub
  • Try to group activities, model, and view separately in UML diagram
  • Reflect code properly onto UML

For Part 3:

  • Andrew and Daniel: completed server connectivity with experiments to Firebase, added fragment manager to keep track of multiple fragments, completed US 01.01.01, US 01.02.01
  • Andrew: completed US 02.03.01
  • Daniel: completed US 02.01.01, US 02.02.01
  • Daniel and Gavriel: completed US 02.01.01
  • Michael and Gavriel: completed server connectivity with profile to Firebase, completed US 04.01.01, US 04.02.01
  • Michael updated user mockups and storyboard sequence
  • Sandy and Jiho: completed search function with keyword, connecting search function to firebase, able to search owner, status, and description experiment, completed US 05.01.01, US 05.02.01
  • Need to show what user stories we finished, what user stories we have not finished (Aaron needs to keep track of this)
  • Document each Java file
  • Met the threshold for half of the user story points instead of half of the user stories