Thursday, April 9th, 2021 - CMPUT301W21T22/Spearmint GitHub Wiki


  • Type of Meeting: Biweekly Scrum
  • Attendees: Andrew, Jiho, Michael, Sandy, Gavriel, Daniel


  • 13 user stories left to be completed
  • Project tasks are split between everyone, from testing, UI, user stories, and UML diagram
  • Feedback from part 3:
  1. UML
  • No access modifiers
  • Encapsulation rule, as private as possible to protect the data (Recycle Adapter)
  • ExperimentDetails, QuestionsAnswers are different than other naming conventions
  1. Test CasesUnit Tests
  • Test model classes
  1. 5 minutes video, 3 min QA, all members need to be in the video to present