Sunday, March 21st, 2021 - CMPUT301W21T22/Spearmint GitHub Wiki


  • Type of Meeting: Biweekly Scrum
  • Attendees: Andrew, Jiho, Michael, Sandy, Gavriel, Daniel


  • Planned what to accomplish for the next 3 weeks
  • 15 user stories left, goal is to finish 5 user stories per week to be finished in 3 weeks
  • Most of us are busy this week so we agreed not much will be accomplished this week
  • We also agreed to work on the project together during Easter long weekend to get most of the work done that weekend

User stories to work on so far, just need 5 user stories this week:

  • Daniel and Andrew: US 01.03.01, US 01.04.01, US 06.01.01
  • Jiho and Sandy: US 01.04.01, US 01.08.01
  • Gavriel and Michael: US 04.03.01