Sunday, March 14th, 2021 - CMPUT301W21T22/Spearmint GitHub Wiki


  • Type of Meeting: Biweekly Scrum
  • Attendees: Andrew, Jiho, Michael, Sandy, Gavriel, Daniel


  • Gavriel and Michael has completed US 04.01.01 and US 04.02.01
  • Sandy and Jiho has completed US 05.02.01
  • Daniel and Andrew still working to complete US 01.01.01
  • Gavriel and Michael will work on US 01.03.01
  • Sandy will work on US 01.04.01
  • Jiho will work on US 01.08.01
  • Gavriel and Michael will work with Daniel and Andrew to complete US 01.01.01 since a lot of the remaining user stories rely on that user story
  • Michael will update the user mockups with the updated user stories that we have
  • Goal for this week is to complete the remaining 9 user stories before Thursday, 3 user stories a day until Thursday
  • From Thursday onwards, the group will work on testing and updating UML, product backlog, user mockups, and storyboard sequence


  • Need to figure out how to integrate experiments to Firebase