Product Backlog - CMPUT301W21T22/Spearmint GitHub Wiki


ID: 1 (US 01.01.01)
Requirement: As an owner, I want to publish an experiment with a description, a region, and a minimum number of trials.
Rationale: This is so that the owner can share their findings publicly.
Story Points: 10
Risk: High

ID: 2 (US 01.02.01)
Requirement: As an owner, I want to unpublish an experiment.
Rationale: The owner has the freedom of choice to remove their own study, or there was misconduct in the experiment.
Story Points: 1
Risk: low

ID: 3 (US 01.03.01)
Requirement: As an owner, I want to end an experiment. This leaves the results available and public but does not allow new results to be added.
Rationale: The experiment either has no need to continue or the owner is satisfied with the end result. Public has no permission to edit other people’s experiment.
Story Points: 1
Risk: Low

ID: 4 (US 01.04.01)
Requirement: As an owner or experimenter, I want to subscribe to an experiment to participate in it.
Rationale: When subscribing to an experiment, users can find an experiment easily without having to go through the list of experiments all over again. The subscribed experiment can be added to the user's data.
Story Points: 2
Risk: Medium

ID: 5 (US 01.05.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want to be able to execute trials for an experiment and upload them to the experiment.
Rationale: Experimenters have the option to have multiple trials if needed.
Story Points: 3
Risk: Medium

ID: 6 (US 01.06.01)
Requirement: As an owner or experimenter, I want to see histograms of the results of trials. Rationale: Experimenters have the option to view their own findings.
Story Points: 1
Risk: Low

ID: 7 (US 01.07.01)
Requirement: As an owner or experimenter, I want to see plots of the results of trials over time.
Rationale: Owners can see the progress of their experiments through statistical trials so that they can visualize the experiment.
Story Points: 1
Risk: low

ID: 8 (US 01.08.01)
Requirement: As an owner, I want to ignore certain experimenters' results.
Rationale: The owner may not be interested in certain experimenter’s results
Story Points: 1
Risk: Low

ID: 9 (US 01.09.01)
Requirement: As an owner or experimenter, I want to observe statistics (quartiles, median, mean, stdev) about current trials.
Rationale: Experimenters have the option to view their own findings to publish clear and accurate results of the experiment
Story Points: 4
Risk: Medium


ID: 10 (US 02.01.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want to ask a question about an experiment.
Rationale: This is so that an experimenter can ask for clarification to try to understand an experiment further.
Story Points: 7
Risk: High

ID: 11 (US 02.02.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter or owner, I want to ask to reply to questions about an experiment.
Rationale: This is so that the experimenter/owner can provide more information or clarification to the questio.
Story Points: 3
Risk: Medium

ID: 12 (US 02.03.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter or owner, I want to browse questions and replies about an experiment.
Rationale: Certain experimenters/owners may have similar questions to other experimenters’ questions.
Story Points: 3
Risk: Medium

QR Codes

ID: 13 (US 03.01.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want to be able to generate QR codes that I can print for a specific experiment and trial result (for instance PASS for a binomial trial I subscribed to).
Rationale: This allows quick access for the public to view the experiment and its trial result.
Story Points: 10
Risk: High

ID: 14 (US 03.02.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want to be able scan QR codes to indicate success or failure, or increment counts for trials I subscribed to.
Rationale: Using QR codes will be able to let the experimenter to efficiently record their result of their trial.
Story Points: 3
Risk: Medium

ID: 15 (US 03.03.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want to be able to register an arbitrary bar code (such as one off of your favourite book) to act a specific experiment result for a trial.
Rationale: Register a barcode for quick access for the public to view the result of a specific trial.
Story Points: 3
Risk: Medium

User Profile

ID: 16 (US 04.01.01)
Requirement: As an owner or experimenter, I want a profile with a unique username and my contact information.
Rationale: This is so that if someone wants to contact or interact with the owner/experimenter, they are able to locate the owner/experimenter’s contact information.
Story Points: 7
Risk: High

ID: 17 (US 04.02.01)
Requirement: As an owner or experimenter, I want to edit the contact information in my profile.
Rationale: The owner/experimenter should be able to edit because they may have outdated or incorrect information.
Story Points: 1
Risk: Low

ID: 18 (US 04.03.01)
Requirement: As an owner or experimenter, I want to retrieve and show the profile of a presented username.
Rationale: The owner/experimenter may be interested in contacting or interacting with that certain individual, and finding their profile would show their contact information.
Story Points: 1
Risk: Low


ID: 19 (US 05.01.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want to specify a keyword, and search for all experiments that are available.
Rationale: Experimenter are able to quickly search for specific experiment out of multiple experiments so that they can sort out unneeded experiments.
Story Points: 7
Risk: High

ID: 20 (US 05.02.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want search results to show each experiment with its description, owner username, and status.
Rationale: Allow search function for results to allow flexibility in searching for an experiment.
Story Points: 5
Risk: Medium


ID: 21 (US 06.01.01)
Requirement: As an owner, I want to specify if a Geo-location is required or not for trials.
Rationale: The experiment can have external factors such as temperature and atmospheric pressure of a location. Other experiments such as coin flip can be done inside where location does not matter because no external factors decide the experiment.
Story Points: 5
Risk: High

ID: 22 (US 06.02.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want to add Geo-location to experimental trials that need it.
Rationale: There may certain experimental trials that require or would benefit the experiment by adding geo-location.
Story Points: 1
Risk: Low

ID: 23 (US 06.03.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want to be warned about geo-location trials.
Rationale: There should be a warning just in case the experimenter may not want to disclose their location .
Story Points: 3
Risk: Medium

ID: 24 (US 06.04.01)
Requirement: As an experimenter, I want to see a map of geo-locations of a geo-location enabled experiment.
Rationale: If an experiment is location-specific, this allows the experimenter to see where the experiment took place in a location-specific environment.
Story Points: 3
Risk: Medium

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