Addressing Feedback - CMPUT301W21T22/Spearmint GitHub Wiki

Project Part 2 Feedback

Feedback #1 Feedback: (Backlog doesn't have all the user stories) Adjustment: (Backlog is fixed with all of the completed user stories) Feedback #2 Feedback: (The UML shows each classes twice) Adjustment: (UML is fixed and shows all classes once) Feedback #3 Feedback: (Try to pay more attention to the relationships (for example, your Experiment has aggregation relationship with AddExpermentFragment but it is not reflected based on the attribute of those two classes)) Adjustment: (UML relationships were fixed and edited) Feedback #4 Feedback: (The mockups need a description instead of just a name. Even if the description is just a sentence) Adjustment: (User Interface Mockups were fixed and the description was edited)