Use cases Basic Flow Diagrams - CMPUT301W21T06/CrowdFly GitHub Wiki

US 01.01.01 As an owner, I want to publish an experiment with a description, a region, and a minimum number of trials. US 01.03.01 As an owner, I want to end an experiment. This leaves the results available and public but does not allow new results to be added.

  1. Application offers owner the ability to add an experiment
  2. Owner presses the add experiment button
  3. Application prompts owner to type in experiment description, region, min num trials, trial type
  4. Owner types in the appropriate information and presses "add"
  5. Application takes owner to Trial log page where he or she can add trials of a given type to the experiment
  6. Owner presses add trial
  7. Application prompts owner to type in the appropriate information for the specific trial type
  8. Owner types in the appropriate information and presses "add"
  9. Repeat steps 6-8 depending on how many trials wanted + covers the min-trial constraint
  10. Application presents the trial log screen and offers an "end experiment button"
  11. Owner presses the "end experiment button"