TA Feedback Part 2 - CMPUT301W21T06/CrowdFly GitHub Wiki
Product Backlog:
Comment: You should follow the format that I gave on the group chat. All rationales should be well explained.
Response: N/A
UI Mockups & Storyboard:
Comment: User Interface Mockups looks good, but don't use login screen at the starting point. This is the warning from professor.
Response: N/A
OO analysis:
Comment: The UML is clear. Clean design, Properly OO. Clear entity classes and interfaces. Addition of more small notes explaining activities is expected in the next part.
Response: N/A
Tool practices:
Comment: All members should contribute to GitHub roughly equally and regularly. The git repo (especially wiki & readme) should be used in a well structured way so that everything can be found & understood easily. For the repo that I gave you.