Part 4 Work Distribution - CMPUT301W21T06/CrowdFly GitHub Wiki


  • Implemented Statistics portion of the project
  • Worked on User Stories:
    • 01.06.01 - "see histograms"
    • 01.09.01 - "observe statistics about current trials"
    • 01.07.01 - "see plots of the results over time"


  • Implemented QR Stories for the project, helped in code reviews and created the CI/CD Pipeline

    • US 03.03.01 - Register Bar Code
    • US 03.02.01 - Scan QR Code
    • US 03.01.01 - Generate QR Code


  • UI/UX Designer
  • I was in charge of the overall UI and UX portion of the project. I focused on designing features to better integrate with the application. Some of them included a working hamburger menu, splash screen, icon, logo, and overall layouts. I also worked with my team to properly implement the publish and unpublish feature. I was also in charge of redoing the UI mockup in accordance with the TA's feedback.


  • Project Manager
  • Primary Code Reviewer/Tester
  • Worked on US 01.02.01, 01.03.01


  • Implemented the question and comments portion of the project, which include user stories US 02.01.01, US 02.21.01, US 02.03.01
  • Implemented unit and intent tests


  • Implemented search functionality
  • Implemented region storage, enforcement and viewing (with maps) - all of issue 6
  • Added java docs
  • Refactored almost all, if not all of the database code