Part 3 Work Distribution - CMPUT301W21T06/CrowdFly GitHub Wiki


  • Worked on implementing Experiments class with Wonbin, my focus was more towards the UI design and acitivity screens for Experiments i.e. .xml Files, onClick listeners, Experiments logic etc..
  • Implemented delete functionality for Experiments
  • Implemented error handling for users i.e. worked on making illegal values illegal
  • Worked on adding to and refactoring UML for Project Part 3


  • Worked on User Profile stories
  • Set up Firebase /Firestore Connection
  • Set up Github actions for building app and running unit test
  • Helped review PRs
  • Javadocs


  • Worked on implementing Trials within experiments with Abdullah. I focused on adding add, delete, edit features for trials. I also made sure there was sufficient connectivity between Trials and the Firestore DB. I wrote Javadoc and provided sufficient unit and intent testing. Made revisions to the way user information was being passed to Trials.


  • Worked on implementing Trial within experiments with Jin. Refactored All Experiment Trials, as well as refactored some part of the CrowdFlyFireStore class that read trial information and funneled it into the trialLog class. Reworked Trial Adapter to show trial information. Setup the Code Base in MVC Format, separated and labeled Models, Views, Controllers Directories. Helped rework the database design. Updated the UML.


  • Implemented Experiments class and UI with Muhammad
  • Implemented the add functionality for Experiments
  • Worked on the database design
  • added get, set, functionalities for experiments and trials from FireStore
  • Added Intent & Unit Testing for ExperimentLog, Experiment, and ViewExperiment/AddExperiment Activities


  • Cleaned up the UI
  • Looked for bugs in application
  • Implemented user profile and search for user
  • Added JavaDocs