Part 2 Work Distribution - CMPUT301W21T06/CrowdFly GitHub Wiki


  • Initialized UI mockups with Wonbin and Updated them with the group
  • Revised the UML by reducing coupling and increasing cohesion (taking MVC into account)
  • Started the product backlog on Zenhub which we later needed to move to the Scrum Board


  • Worked on UI pages for QR Codes
  • Worked on and reviewed UML classes/diagrams
  • Worked with Qasim and Abdullah to complete User stories


  • Worked on UI pages for Questions
  • Worked on UML classes
  • Completed User stories.


  • Set up the product backlog on Zenhub, but it has now moved to the Scrum Board
  • Worked on and reviewed UML diagrams
  • Initialized the basic layout of the Storyboards with Jin, and later put everything together with the group


  • Worked on converting UML Classes to Java Code
  • Completed User stories
  • Made a design document for all the user stories, extended each user story and gave it a why.


  • Did UML
  • Added to Figma
  • Reviewed backlog