Change Doc - CMPUT301W21T06/CrowdFly GitHub Wiki

Tuesday, March 9 2021 (Project Part 3) - Abdullah and Jin's work session

List of changes: Figma:

  • We realized it would be easier to implement the "trial type" feature within the addTrial activity
    • reason: more streamline logic
  • also added cancel button in add trial and the fragments
  • changed the binomial trial fragment to represent our current layout

Code: -figured out how to implement fragments for the bin trials

  • added view question log activity, and question log activity layout

Wednesday, March 3 2021 (Project Part 3)

List of Changes:

ViewTrialLogActivity: Added a new class (Activity)

Trial class: Added a new class + added features

TrialAdapter class: Added a new class + implements ArrayAdapter

trial_content: Added an xml content file

colors.xml: Added primary color, accent and primary dark

MainActivity: Made main activity be launching activity (Activity) Added new UI for login screen

Build.gradle (project/app): Added Firestore requirements

Experiment: Added getters

Activity_add_experiment: Added add experiment xml, class Should add experiments to list of experiments

Experiment_content: Added xml content file, class

ViewExperimentLogActivity: Added to oncreate method

DBManager: Created class

Tuesday, March 2, 2021 (Project Part 3)

List of Changes:

ViewExperimentLogActivity: Added a new class

Experiment: changed ArrayList to Array Not sure if Array is a good idea since Array would be a fixed size, and might cause problems with memory when we need to add/delete trials

ExperimentLog: Added a Controller to aggregate Experiments Will also write to firebase in the future

Thursday, Friday 18, 2021 (Project Part 2) List of Changes:

EditUserFragment: Added "edits" relationship between EditUserFragment and User class.

User and MainActivity Class: Changed the aggregation multiplicity of User for MainActivity to 1-1

Trial: Moved the line for the "has" relationship for Trial Changed qrCode to qrManager variable name

Experiment: Added addTrial(trial:Trial)

MeasurementTrial: Changed the name from measurementTrial to MeasurementTrial

Experiment and Question: Reversed line direction from Question strongly has an Experiment to Experiment strongly has Question

Question and Comment: Reversed line direction from Comment strongly has question to Question strongly has Comment

ForumActivity and Comment Added multiplicity. ForumActivity has 0..* Comment

ForumActivity and User Reversed the direction to indicate that ForumActivity has User

Map and Experiment Added aggregation relationship NewTrialActivity adds a trial to Experiment creates a new instance of Trial

ExperimentLog added ExperimentLog class to log experiments Added its methods/attributes

ViewExperimentLogActivity Added ViewExpirementLogActivity class for the viewing of experiment logs Added its methods/attributes


Intuitively, shouldn't the experiment have statistics and not the Trial itself Experiment class is too tightly coupled, should be divided up into subclasses that are more loosely coupled and more cohesive

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