Part 4 Work Distribution - CMPUT301W20T23/Newber GitHub Wiki
- Implemented adjustable fare based on distance between start and end locations when making a ride request
- Implemented confirmation dialogs for when a rider is cancelling an accepted request and completing an in-progress request
- Implemented user contact information display when username is clicked
- Updated entity and controller UML diagrams
- Implemented getting route information between two locations using Directions API
- Implemented drawing a polyline between endpoints on Google Maps fragments
- Changed fare calculation to use route distance
- Implemented Firebase cloud functions and client code for ride offer push notifications
- Code cleanup and minor UI changes
- Updated UI mockups and storyboard sequences
- Implemented rating of driver by the rider upon payment completion
- Code cleanup and minor bug fixes
- Fixed existing unit testing following updates to the model classes
- Added new unit tests for new Route class created
- Updated UI mockups and storyboard sequences
- Implemented user input of fare using soft keyboard
- Implemented user contact information display when username is clicked
- Improved fragment user interfaces
- Minor bug fixes involving fare storage and display
- Updated boundary UML diagram
- Implemented new payment fragment
- Implemented QR Code generation for payment purposes
- Implemented QR Code scanning for payment purposes
- Fixed existing intent testing following code revisions and additions
- Added new intent tests for activities created for this part of the assignment
- Migrated app from Firebase Database to Firestore
- Re-factored and Updated the structure of the app to have an MVC structure
- Implemented QR Code generation and scanning for payment purposes
- Connected QR Payment with Ratings on the Rider-side
- Handled back-end balance transfers on QR scan
- Updated Javadocs