Part 3 Work Distribution - CMPUT301W20T23/Newber GitHub Wiki
- Pair-programmed with Gaurav to:
- set up project with model classes and Firebase database
- implement user login/sign-up with Firebase authentication
- implement user profile with editable contact information
- Implemented logging out
- Implemented calling/emailing driver from accepted request screen
- Commented code-base and created Javadocs
- Wrote unit tests for the model classes
- Updated glossary
- Updated UML with Gaurav
- Pair-programmed with Jessica to:
- set up project with model classes and Firebase database
- implement user login/sign-up with Firebase authentication
- implement user profile with editable contact information
- Wrote UI tests for LoginActivity, SignUpActivity
- Updated UML with Jessica
- Pair-programmed with Ibrahim to:
- finish google maps search autocomplete feature
- implement making ride requests functionality for rider
- Implemented searching and accepting ride requests functionality for driver
- Updated storyboard sequences and mockups with Amy
- Set up main activity to change the main screen depending on the current request status
- Created fragments to be used by both driver and rider to show ride details
- Implemented Driver-to-Rider and Rider-to-Driver interactions from Request Pending up to Request Completed
- Main screen UI design
- Updated storyboard sequences and mockups with Ayushi
- Implemented Google Maps Fragment to display it on the screen
- Implemented User Permissions for MyLocation
- Pair-programmed with Ayushi to:
- finish google maps search autocomplete feature
- implement making ride requests functionality for rider
- Implementing geolocation
- Updated Java docs
- Designed and implemented unit tests for several classes
- Designed and implemented Intent tests for several activities
- Found and solved some minor bugs and issues using the above tests