Part 3 Sprint Planning - CMPUT301W20T23/Newber GitHub Wiki
February 14 - February 20:
Members present at weekly meeting:
- All
- Implement sign up, login and user profile for both rider and driver (Jessica, Gaurav)
- Login, sign up, and user profile were successfully implemented
- Minor view bug in user profile
February 21 - February 27:
Members present at weekly meeting:
- All
- Implement logout (Jessica)
- Look into Google Maps API (Ibrahim)
- Look into QR codes (Arthur)
- Logout was successfully implemented
- Google Maps functionality was started
- Due to ambiguity in the QR-bucks requirement, the group decided to leave it for part 4
February 28 - March 5:
Members present at weekly meeting:
- All
- Design rider main screen (Amy)
- Complete Google Maps Autocomplete feature (Ibrahim, Ayushi)
- Rider main screen UI was started
- Google Maps Autocomplete feature was implemented
March 6 - March 12:
Members present at weekly meeting:
- All
- Implement ride requests for both rider and driver (Ibrahim, Ayushi, Amy, Arthur)
- Design most of the UI (Everyone)
- Implement calling/emailing driver from accepted request screen (Jessica)
- Complete Javadocs and unit testing for existing code (Jessica)
- Write intent/UI tests (Gaurav)
- Ride requests were implemented with connectivity to Firebase
- Calling/emailing driver from accepted request screen was implemented
- Javadocs, unit tests, and intent tests were done