Test Cases - CMPUT301W13T05/ClassProject GitHub Wiki


Procedure Success Criteria
Create a new recipe with only text file. User should be able to view it.
Create a new recipe with text file and pictures. User should be able to view it.
Create a new recipe with empty text file request reject


Procedure Success Criteria
While viewing a recipe with only text, share the recipe. Email notification shown that action is succeed.
While viewing a recipe with text file and one picture, share the recipe. Email notification shown that action is succeed.
While viewing a recipe with text file and multiple pictures, share the recipe. Email notification shown that action is succeed.


Procedure Success Criteria
Viewing a recipe with only text file. Press 'Upload'. Publish the recipe. User should be able to successfully searched this recipe.
Viewing a recipe with text file and one picture. Press 'Upload'. Publish the recipe. User should be able to successfully searched this recipe
Viewing a recipe with text file and multiple pictures. Press 'Upload'. Publish the recipe. User should be able to successfully searched this recipe


Procedure Success Criteria
Search for recipe without key words. User will be asked to enter key words.
Search for recipe with dish name. User should be able to get the result related to the dish name.
Search for recipe with ingredient. User should be able to get recipes contain the provided ingredient.


Procedure Success Criteria
While viewing a recipe, kill the connection. And quit the application, then back. The recipe should still display on the screen.


Procedure Success Criteria
User adds a new recipe, press 'photo' button, then choose to take photo. They can upload the photo they have took. After adding this recipe, the user will see the picture is in the recipe.
User edits a recipe, press 'photo' button, then choose to use existing photo. They can choose a picture that is already in photo gallary. After editing this recipe, the user will see the picture is in the recipe.


Procedure Success Criteria
User views a recipe on the internet, press 'Download' button. The downloaded recipe is stored in profile>Download Recipe.


Procedure Success Criteria
User took a picture, and pressed 'retake' button. Camera should be re-activated.
User took a picture, and pressed 'ok' button. Image saved.
User took a picture, and pressed 'cancel' button. Image canceled.


Procedure Success Criteria
There is no shared recipe for user. System displays "No shared recipe" in myshare.


Procedure Success Criteria
User adds an ingredient to myingredients. Ingredient should be added successfully.
User deletes an ingredient to myingredients. Ingredient should be changed successfully.


Procedure Success Criteria
User searches with condition 'my ingredients'. System should display the correct result.
User searches with no ingredient System should give the notice for the user and give up searching.
User searches the subset of my ingredients System should display the correct result.


Procedure Success Criteria
User download recipes from email. System should jump to our App and open the recipe.


Procedure Success Criteria
User go Profile>download recipe The download recipes should be displayed on the screen.


Procedure Success Criteria
User delete the local recipe. User won't be able to see the recipe again.


Procedure Success Criteria
After search, user choose to Only display the recipe with photos. The recipes without photo should disappear from the display.
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