Project Part 4 Feedback - CMPUT301W13T05/ClassProject GitHub Wiki


Code base of Prototype -- Excellent (3)

  • The code is clean and well organized.
  • I appreciate that you implemented more than required requirements.

Tangible Demo -- Good (2)

  • The presentation is not so good.
  • You need better practice and speak louder.

Code Documentation -- Satisfactory (1)

  • We don't document test classes since test code is used to make sure the code is correct. The other users won't care about your test codes.
  • Not enough description for methods in MyApp class.
  • Syntax errors exist in your description. You can improve the document by correct these errors.
  • Not that easy for 3rd party to understand since you don't have description for most methods.

Test Cases -- Good (2)

  • In DatabaseManagerTest: The code is not aligned, which reduce the readability.
  • Some inconsistency in test cases.

OOD -- Satisfactory (1)

  • The class diagram is really hard to read... lines cross with each other... no description... too small diagram...
  • Where is your sequence diagram?

Release Planning -- Excellent (1)

Addressing Feedback -- Excellent (1)

Refactoring -- Good (2)

  • Refactoring has been documented.
  • You need to write explanation about why you did the refactoring or not.

Requirement Specification -- Excellent (3)

Video Demo -- Good (1)

Manager's Best Pick -- (0)

Summary -- (17)