Project Part 3 Feedback - CMPUT301W13T05/ClassProject GitHub Wiki
Code base of Prototype -- Excellent (3)
- M, V, C classes are put in different folders. Good.
- The implementation and the design are consistent.
- The local functions have almost been completed.
- The code looks good.
Tangible Demo -- Excellent (1)
- The demo is pretty good!
- Add, edit, delete, view, search recipes locally have been implemented. Well done!
Code Documentation -- Satisfactory (0)
- The comment is not enough.
- For javadoc, no description about packages, some classes, most methods. You'd better give better description about all the interfaces. Otherwise, it's hard for 3rd party to understand.
Test cases -- Satisfactory (1)
- In ingredienttest: Usually, we test addXXX by first add an object, then get this object. And test if the new created object and the added object are the same. We usually don't use exception to do the testing.
- The test case should be independent, which means before EACH test case, we use setup() to set the testing environment, after EACH test case, we use teardown() to clean the testing environment. For example, you test addXXX(), after the test case, teardown() method needs to be called to remove the added object so that each test case is independent. The result of one test case will not interfere with another one.
- LocalDBTest: Not implemented?
- The testing code is not aligned, which makes it ugly and hard to read...
OOD -- Good (1)
- UML diagram has been updated, good!
- However, with more complex diagram, the readability of your diagram decreases. It's better to give more text description about your diagram since it is really hard to understand all the detail... :(
- In general, it is acceptable.