Meeting 2022 11 04 - CMPUT301F22T24/Team24App GitHub Wiki

Meeting Notes


  • villarre
  • shariatz
  • yliu30
  • prabhnoo
  • dennea
  • jgerun


  • Figure out on how to distribute the work for project part 3 haly-way checkpoint.
  • The work distribution is decided and recorded in this meeting log.


  • US 03.01.01:dennea & villarre & prabhnoo
  • US 03.02.01:prabhnoo
  • US 04.01.01:shariatz & yliu30
  • US 04.02.01:shariatz & yliu30
  • US 04.03.01:villarre & shariatz & prabhnoo & dennea & jgerun
  • US 04.04.01:villarre & shariatz & prabhnoo & dennea & jgerun