Meeting 2022 10 28 - CMPUT301F22T24/Team24App GitHub Wiki

Meeting Notes


  • villarre
  • shariatz
  • yliu30
  • prabhnoo
  • dennea
  • jgerun


  • Complete Ingredient and Recipe before the half-way checkpoint.
  • Update JUnit Testing.
  • Update UI Testing.
  • Update UML class diagram together.

Discussion log:

  • Ingredient was done(US01.01.01 - US01.06.01).
  • dennea initialized the recipe.
  • dennea & villarre did US01.02.01.
  • We got issues on US 02.02.01, but figure it out during the meeting.
  • yliu30 did US US 02.03.01.
  • jgerun is doing US 02.04.01.
  • dennea & jgerun are doing US 02.05.01.
  • We will start to do US 02.06.01 & US 02.07.01 & US 02.08.01.
  • We are updating UML class diagram.