Meeting 2022 10 21 - CMPUT301F22T24/Team24App GitHub Wiki
Meeting Note
- villarre
- shariatz
- yliu30
- prabhnoo
- dennea
- jgerun
- Work allocation for Part 3.
- Complete Ingredient before the next week meeting.
- Implementation of UI tests.
- Implementation of unit tests.
- Start to design UML Diagram.
Discussion log:
- shariatz initialized the project.
- dennea seted up DataBase
- villarre and shariatz did US 01.01.01.
- villarre did US 01.02.01.
- prabhnoo did US 01.03.01.
- jgerun is doing US 01.04.01.
- we start doing US 01.05.01 and US 01.06.01.